Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science (IJAS) Vol. 8 No. 2 Tahun 2007 sudah tersedia secara online. Pada edisi ini, IJAS memuat 5 artikel sebagai berikut:
- Morphological changes during the development of somatic embryos of sago ( Metroxylon sagu Rottb.): Pauline D. Kasi; Sumaryono p. 43-47
- Diallel analysis of resistance to bacterial stalk rot (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi pv. zeae Burk., Mc Fad. and Dim.) in corn (Zea mays L.): Nuning A. Subekti; Artemio M. Salazar p. 48-52
- The Inheritance of yield and yield components of five wheat hybrid populations under drought conditions: Nisar Ahmed; Muhammad Aslam Chowdhry; Ihsan Khaliq; Masahiko Maekawa p. 53-59
- Regeneration of pimpinella pruatjan through somatic embryogenesis: I. Roostika; R. Purnamaningsih; I. Darwati; I. Mariska p. 60-66
- Soil properties of the alluvial plain and its potential user for agriculture in Donggala region, Central Sulawesi: Hikmatullah; M. Al-Jabri p. 67-74
- Changes of sucrose content and invertase activity during sugarcane stem storage
Tri Agus Siswoyo; Ika Oktavianawati; Djenal; Untung Murdiyanto; Bambang Sugiharto p. 75-81
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